Monday, May 23, 2016

    What I discovered about creating art is that there are a number of people who like to see people begin or in my case re-begin creating art, maybe they want to compare progress or explore the art process. Yes, one of America's biggest businesses is story telling, from Programming "Software", to Fiction to the Arts, Americans enjoy story telling. In fact the United States of America began based on our Forefathers stories, they came to this land with stories, then they created the stories as found in the Declaration of Independence  and the United States Constitution, yes, there were artists who created images for those original American stories. Blogging is a means to tell stories, so, yes, I tell my story, hey it's American to tell stories.
    Again, I started painting again just over a year ago, it's been a long time since I crated art, so, I took a few Art Classes, one class was in water color painting, this tulip is my third water color painting after I took the class, Yellow Tulip by Phillip Bianco.

water color on paper by Phillip Bianco

water color on paper by Phillip Bianco

2015 Water Color painting on paper by Phillip Bianco. This was the first water color painting I had done since 1969 after I took a painting class.