Saturday, May 16, 2015

  My thought is that I discovered everybody liked some of my 11 art works I created, so, that is a good thing. What I accomplished is I practiced art, my attempt  was to re-develop art skills. I think I did. I believe I showed at this Blog an order of me practicing art work. What I am going to do is finish putting in a larger art work space in my Basement, take some art classes and get serious about creating art works.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

   What is taking place at this Blog titled. "Phillip Bianco Painting" is I am going thorough a procedure to re-develop art skills. The feedback I got was most people liked some of my Flowers and the painting titled, "Suppression Again". I can say it's been decades since I have been able to paint but during my youth when I painted often my art work did well enough to be exhibited. So, what I am doing is renovating a space in my the basement of my residence to create art, I will taking a few art classes and I will get serious about painting. So, I got both positive and negative criticisms, that a good thing, I think as time goes on I know where I am going with art work. I am starting over, it will take  more time but again I think I will be able to create something interesting.