Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Yes, as I had said I re-began painting again just over a year ago, I created 12 art works since. Below I posted two art works, first is the 4th art work I  created it's of a flower, I also used pastel and charcoal with acrylic paint on canvass board. The second painting is painting 12 of a flower that is water color on paper. Why I re-posted the two art works is because an Art Critic liked both of them. Presently, I am working on art piece number 13, yes, it's another parallelism.
    Due to athletic motivated incidents I post my response at my Blog titled, "Phillip Bianco Football".

4th art works, pastel, charcoal, acrylic on canvass board

2015 recent water color painting, last time I worked with water colors was 1968

Monday, September 7, 2015

Recent Water Color Painting of a flower finished September 2015

       As I had said in prior post I had re-began painting again and had painted 11 art works in about a years time, everybody I heard from liked some of the art works, so, I decided to take a Water Color Painting Class, the above painting of a flower  is my first Water Color painting, the last time I painted with water colors was 1968. I am happy with my first water color painting, it will take a little more time to develop art skills and technical knowledge.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

   Again, there are people who find it interesting to view a person re-beginning creating art, I posted some of the 11 art works I created since last year, today is August 6, 2015, so, most of the people I heard from said they liked a few, that's a good thing because it's been since my youth I had created hundreds of art works until 1971, then I painted 2 paintings in an Introduction to Art Class at School 1976/1977, then I created 1 painting of my first wife Stephanie 1986/1987 in New York City. So, I had decided to take an art class which I have I am working on my first water color "flower" since my youth and an acrylic painting another parallelism, yes some art viewers liked the parallelism painting I posted below at my Blog. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

  My thought is that I discovered everybody liked some of my 11 art works I created, so, that is a good thing. What I accomplished is I practiced art, my attempt  was to re-develop art skills. I think I did. I believe I showed at this Blog an order of me practicing art work. What I am going to do is finish putting in a larger art work space in my Basement, take some art classes and get serious about creating art works.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

   What is taking place at this Blog titled. "Phillip Bianco Painting" is I am going thorough a procedure to re-develop art skills. The feedback I got was most people liked some of my Flowers and the painting titled, "Suppression Again". I can say it's been decades since I have been able to paint but during my youth when I painted often my art work did well enough to be exhibited. So, what I am doing is renovating a space in my the basement of my residence to create art, I will taking a few art classes and I will get serious about painting. So, I got both positive and negative criticisms, that a good thing, I think as time goes on I know where I am going with art work. I am starting over, it will take  more time but again I think I will be able to create something interesting.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

   I will taking two art classes one in water color painting the other in acrylic painting, this summer I will start. I am going to try and spend more time creating art this year.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

   Anyway I believe I am accomplishing what I set out to do that is to re-develop creative art skills, of course I can not spend a lot of time yet creating art but once I complete renovation of my Basement I will have the art work space, I am going to try pottery, yes, I will be in the market for a Potters Wheel. It's been less than a year and I could only create 11 art works, so, I will keep practicing art until I put in a more spacious work space.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

   I recently posted a photo of another version of my painting I titled, "Suppression Again". I painted another version is because the original was damaged from harsh environments, so, I painted another version.

Monday, March 23, 2015

 I posted in 2 parts because of the image size a photograph of my Great Grandfather playing the Harp while my Father watches, the next post is an article about my Great Grandfather as an artist, his career goes back a long way, many of artists in my family. Why I post this article is because there are those who say derogatory things because of my Italian heritage, I just wanted to say in my DEFENSE that much of my Italian heritage were artists.
 I posted a recent sketch, my 11th art piece, it's been many years since I have drawn anything, it take time to re-develop art skills, I will practice as much as I can. Spring is here I have a number of repair projects to do.

Friday, March 13, 2015

   I posted my 10th art work in many years, today is March 13, 2015, this art work is a sketch using pencil, water colors and acrylic on paper, it's described to be a female character "fictitious" with a yellow flower, untitled.   

Friday, January 30, 2015

   I am still practicing with sketching and painting, it's been many years, I posted below at this Blog my 8th painting in many years I titled "Flower in Vase", finished today, I do need to use more paint and pastel on my next painting!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

   I am working on my 9th Painting, of course it's been many years since I painted and during my youth I painted often in fact I was in Europe for two consecutive years studying and creating art. I will practice for a while my intention is to try and paint some interesting soon.